The client’s request
– France’s National Real Tennis Federation sought to replace the insert placed in players’ gloves and find longer-lasting balls.
– The insert is used to lessen the shock caused by contact with the ball when it is hit by the player. The 10 x 10 cm flat plastic part was redesigned to give it a rounded shape mirroring the curve of the hand.
– The previous ball lost its elasticity and deteriorated too quickly. Over time, it also lost its whiteness and so its visibility for players and spectators.
The proposed solution
Following analysis of our client’s request, we proposed to develop a plastic insert with the necessary round shape. With the design of an “upside-down” mould, the injection point was placed on the outer side of the insert to retain a smooth surface on the side in contact with the ball.
To design the new ball, Serviplast asked the Sirris research centre to examine and determine the ideal composition of the compound to be used. It ultimately comprises TPE, Barym and Hybrar sulphate powder to which Expancel is added.
Pour la conception de la nouvelle balle, Serviplast a fait appel au centre de recherche du Sirris, afin d’étudier et de définir la composition parfaite du compound à utiliser. Celui-ci est finalement composé de TPE, poudre de sulfate de Barym et Hybrar auquel on ajoute de l’Expancel
The result
On 12 April 2018, France’s National Real Tennis Federation officially presented the new ball and insert. Following a few additional tests, they will be distributed in clubs across the country very soon.